Category: Essays
परीक्षा, पिसाब र प्लानिंग
केही दिन अघिको मेरो अर्थशास्त्र विषयको स्नातकोत्तरको दोस्रो सेमेस्टरको अन्तिम परीक्षाको दिन एउटा सामान्य बनाइएको घटनाको अर्को एपिसोड देख्न पाएँ। एकजना परीक्षार्थी आफ्नो सीटबाट उठेर ग्यालरी शैलीको परीक्षा हलको भर्याङ ओर्लिन थाले। पर्यवेक्षकले, “कता जान लाग्या?” भनेर अलि कडा स्वरमै सोध्नु भयो। “ट्वाइलेट”, परीक्षार्थी साथीले भने। “दुई घण्टा पछि पाइदैन”, कुनै ठुलै अपराध रोक्न लागेको…
What Art & Creativity Means To Me
इक शहंशाह ने दौलत का सहारा ले करहम ग़रीबों की मोहब्बत का उड़ाया है मज़ाक़ – साहिर लुधियानवी These lines by Sahir are from his poem ताज-महल. Often the Taj Mahal is unanimously considered as the “symbol of love” but this poem offers a different, and somewhat rebellious, perspective about the same monument. This is…
Reflecting Back At Pulchowk Campus
“As little as you want to write when you’re happy, that’s how much you have to write when you’re miserable”, quotes Brian Bloom in movie ‘5 to 7’. Today is November 17, 2018, exactly four years since our first day in college. I am almost miserable. The college is over. The fabulous four years have…
Taller Stronger Sharper
“Taller, stronger, sharper”, No, this is not a Horlicks promotion. These are the three qualities a guy doesn’t want his girlfriend or future wife to have. And there is “older” too. But guys, you are not at fault for this, the society is; and evolution as well, to some extent. Look around, you will find…
Pulchowk Campus: The Best?
November 17, 2014, my first day in Pulchowk Campus. A dream degree I had planned and prepared for since I watched ‘3 Idiots’, lied in front of me. Just like in ‘3 Idiots’ I had cracked a tough entrance to enter the best college in the country (apologies for the self-praise). I had my expectations.…
Noise in the Neighbourhood
‘Silence can be either protest or consent, but most times it’s fear.’ This is a quote from The Sellout which I just finished reading. This line struck me and probably stirred up my silence on recent world events. It will be relevant even in a thousand years, provided humans don’t kill each other before that.…
Tank Man and Us
While searching for discussions on the relevance and necessity of protest during a pandemic, I came across a symbol of defiance. That symbol is known as Tank Man. His heroic display of courage and fed-upness took place on 5th June 1989, just one day after the massacre of more than ten thousand unarmed civilians by…
On Deaths of Multiple Things
What surprised me was what followed. Complete silence. People accepting their losses as if they were destined to.